Co-variables look for association or a relationship between the two variables
Independent variables- researcher manipulates
Dependant variable- researcher measures
Pilot studies are conducted as a smaller study of the population in order to standardise instructions and spot extraneous variables
Extraneous variables- any variable that can influence the measurement of the dependant variable
(e.g. participant variable, order effect, situational variables and demand characteristics)
Confounding variables- changes systematically between levels of independent variables
Peer review- researchers show other experts in their field their research in order to find unaccounted variables or find that it may lack internal validity
Controlling participant variables- random allocation and matched pairs
participant variables- characteristics of the participants that may influence the results of the study
order effect- when a participant had taken part in one condition they may alter their behaviour for the second condition (fatigue or improvement in the test)
situational variables- environmental factors
demand characteristics- altering behaviour as a result of participant trying to help or hinder the study as a result of what they think the aim is