
Cards (17)

  • Target Population- Every member of the group that the investigation plans to study
  • Representation- Sample used in the study shares characteristics of the members in the target population
  • Random Sampling is when everyone has an equal chance of being selected for the study
  • Random Sampling pro:
    1. avoids researcher bias
  • Random Sampling con:
    1. could pick an unrepresentative sample
    2. time consuming (sometimes)
  • Systematic Sampling is when participants are chosen form a list of the target population
  • Systematic Sampling pro:
    1. avoids researcher bias
    2. can be quick is there is a pre existing list
  • Systematic Sampling con:
    1. unrepresentative
    2. large population may result in difficulty
  • Opportunity sampling is when researchers ask members of the target population directly
  • Opportunity sampling pro:
    1. convenient
  • Opportunity sampling con:
    1. unrepresentative
    2. may result in researcher bias
  • Volunteer Sampling is when participants offer to take part in the research
  • Volunteer Sampling pro:
    1. collection large number of participants
    2. easy
  • Volunteer Sampling con:
    1. may not be generalisable
    2. volunteer bias
  • Stratified Sampling is when participants are selected equally from each strata (smaller sub groups)
  • Stratified Sampling pro:
    1. representative and therefor generalisable
    2. avoids researcher bias
  • Stratified Sampling con:
    1. not every characteristic will be included which could arguably lead to bias
    2. time consuming