Animal attachment

Cards (8)

  • Imprinting (Lorenz)
    animals attach/ imprint to the first moving thing they see during their critical period
  • critical period
    period of time where animals form primary attachment. if missed then will never happen
  • Lorenz A01
    two groups of goslings:
    one first saw mother and the other first saw lorenz in incubator and followed him forever
  • Lorenz A03
    + led to bowlbys theory
    — can’t generalise to humans
  • sexual imprinting
    relationship between imprinting and adult mating preferences
  • Rheus monkey study 

    Harlow 1958
  • Harlow strengths
    + influenced understanding of human attachment
    + disproved SLT
    +practical applications
  • Harlow weaknesses
    • humans are still more complex
    • unethical as monkeys had psychological issues