Cards (8)

  • What surrounds the CBD in the LEDC land use model?
    High class residential housing : Expensive tall buildings and detached homes.
  • What surrounds the high-cost housing in the LEDC land use model?
    Periferia - Older, informal, and poor quality housing which is improved over time and becomes more permenant
  • What surrounds the periferia in the LEDC land use model?
    Favuela - recent informal housing which is very poor quality and often self built.
  • Where is industry/factory located on the LEDC land use model?
    Along main roads, radiating from the CBD
  • What cities does the LEDC land use model mainly apply to?
    Brazilian cities.
  • What is a favela?
    Shanty towns/squatter settlements - informal housing specifically in Brazil
  • What is the periferia?
    Older informal housing which is poor to medium quality, which is improved overtime and provided with basic amenities from the government.
  • What are characteristics of informal settlements / shanty towns?
    • Poor sanitation
    • High density population
    • Poor building material (Corrugated iron, wood)
    • Visual pollution and litter
    • High crime rates (For money and resources)
    • Flood risks (Built on the worst land quality)