
    Cards (10)

    • What are the two types of validity
      External validity and internal validity
    • what is external validity
      the extent in which the finding and conclusions can be applied beyond the study
    • What is internal validity
      The extent in which an observed effect was due to the independent variable rather than other factors
    • what are the 3 types of external validity
      population validity
      ecological validity
      temporal validity
    • what is population validity
      Extent in which findings can be generalised to other groups of people (wide range of participants)
    • what is ecological validity
      extent in which findings can be generalised to other situations outside of the research situation
    • what is temporal validity
      generalising the findings to other points in time
    • what are the 2 types of internal validity
      face validity
      concurrent validity
    • what is face validity?

      does it actually align with what your aim is.( are the questions on a stress questionnaire actually related to stress)
    • what is concurrent validity
      participants will be given an alternate test that has already been assigned as a valid test and compare the results to yours. if the results align (ositive correlation) then the new test is valid. if not redo questions until resuls match
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