
    Cards (14)

    • what is reliability
      the extent to which the measurement device yields the same results
    • what is meant by assessing reliability
      making a decision about how reliable your data/study is
    • what is meant by improving reliability
      make it more reliable/consistent
    • how do you assess the reliability of the observation
      the observation could be recorded- there must be a +0.8 correlation agreement
    • what is inter-rater reliability
      where there are multiple observers making separate recordings and if there is a +0.8 correlation agreement, then there is inter-rater reliability
    • how do you improve the reliability of observations
      make sure the behavioural categories are operationalised clearly enough and give the researchers time to practise with the behavioural categories so they can adapt
    • what are the two forms of self-report methods

    • how do you assess the reliability of questionnaires

      by using test-retest reliability- where the questionnaire is given to some Ps and then the questionnaire is given to some other Ps after a short time interval- if there is a +0.8 correlation agreement, the questionnaire will have test-retest reliability
    • how do you assess the reliability of interviews
      by using inter-interview reliability- where one interviewer could interview twice with a short interval - if there is agreement in the answers given then there is reliability
    • how do you assess the reliability of experiments/correlations
      this is concerned with the accurate measurement of the DV (dependant variable)- if these are accurate then the findings will be reliable
    • how do you improve the reliability of experiments/correlations
      this is concerned with standardised procedures- if the procedures are the same for all Ps then the experiment will be comparable and the study can be repeated for similar findings
    • what is meta-analysis
      a method with analyses secondary data- researchers will collect and gather data used in other studies and this data will be put together and analysed as one for any patterns
    • what is thematic analysis
      a method which is a type of indirect observation- a qualitative measure of implicit and explicit which analyses for themes
    • what is content analysis
      a method which is a type of indirect observation- a quantitative measure of communications that people produce e.g texts and emails