The Movement of Water

Cards (16)

  • Evaporation
    The change of water into gas.
  • Precipitation
    Water transferred back to the land as rain, hail, sleet and snow.
  • Condensation
    Water vapor cools and condenses back into liquid. It makes small droplets which forms as clouds.
  • Surface run-off
    The movement of water over the ground.
  • Groundwater flow

    Water moving through the ground
  • Infiltration
    Water moving from the surface to the soil
  • Percolation
    Movement of water through rock
  • Groundwater storage
    Water stored in the spaces within a rock
  • Interception
    Raindrops caught by vegetation before reaching the ground
  • Transpiration
    When trees/leaves release moisture
  • Evapotranspiration
    When moisture is evaporated off of trees.
  • Throughfall
    When rain falls down a tree, moving from leaf to leaf
  • Stemflow
    When water travels down the stem of a plant
  • Throughflow
    When water travels through the upper layers of the soil
  • Surface storage
    Water stored on the surface in Lochs, puddles
  • Advection
    When wind moves cloud inland.