prebiotic earth gas condiitions: High ammonia (NH3 ), High hydrogen (H2 ), High methane (CH4 ) which are all volatile gasses that when combined can combust
prebiotic earth conditions: high volatile gases (ammonia, methane, hydrogen), low oxygen, high temp, no ozone layer so intense uv levels, low water initially, trapped water eventually released from mantle and created oceans
nitrogen cycle
Nitrogen fixation
carbon cycle
Carbon sequestration
Methane Production and Consumption
Nitrogen fixation: ONE, nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert N2 (a form that organisms cannot use)into NH4+ (a form that plants can use)
Nitrification: TWO, NH4+ is converted to NO2- then NO3- (primary form taken up by most plants) by nitrifying bacteria.
denitrification: THREE, denitrifying bacteria convert NO3- and NO2- back into N2 or N2O. returns nitrogen to atmosphere, closes cycle, prevents accumulation of excess nitrates in environment
ammonification: FOUR, decomposers break down dead organic matter releasing ammonium
assimilation: FIVE, living things absorb the ammonia from environment and incorporate it into their biomass
Beermaking: The yeast uses the sugar to respire excreting carbon dioxide and alcohol which adds bubbles to the beer
Breadmaking: The yeast uses the sugar to respire excreting carbon dioxide and alcohol which causes the dough to rise (alcohol evaporates)