cognitive approach

Cards (20)

  • What does the cognitive approach argue about mental processes?
    They can and should be studied scientifically
  • How does the cognitive approach contrast with the behaviorist approach?
    The cognitive approach focuses on internal mental processes, while behaviorism focuses on observable behavior
  • What areas of human behavior does the cognitive approach investigate?
    Attention, perception, memory, language, and thinking
  • How are internal mental processes studied in the cognitive approach?
    Indirectly via inferences based on observed behavior
  • What is the difference between theoretical models and computer models in cognitive psychology?
    Theoretical models are abstract diagrams, while computer models are simulations created with programming
  • What is one important theoretical model mentioned in the cognitive approach?
    The information processing approach
  • What does the information processing approach suggest?
    Information flows through a sequence of cognitive systems including input, storage, and retrieval
  • Can you name an example of a model related to the information processing approach?
    The multi-store model or the working memory model
  • How can cognitive processing be affected according to the cognitive approach?
    By a person's beliefs or expectations, referred to as schema
  • What are schemas in the context of the cognitive approach?

    Cognitive frameworks that help organize and interpret information
  • How do schemas develop over time?
    They develop with age and experience
  • How do schemas help us in daily life?
    They allow us to respond to situations appropriately
  • How do schemas process information quickly?
    Through cognitive shortcuts like assumptions and stereotypes
  • What is a downside of using schemas in interpreting information?
    They can lead to distorted interpretations, such as in eyewitness testimony
  • What is cognitive neuroscience?
    The scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes
  • How does cognitive neuroscience relate to neurotransmitters?
    It studies how neurotransmitters impact behavior, such as serotonin on depression
  • Who identified the area of the brain now known as Broca's area?
    Paul Broca
  • What significant advancement has occurred in cognitive neuroscience over the last 20 years?
    Advances in brain imaging techniques like fMRIs and PET scans
  • What did research by Tulving reveal about memory in the brain?
    Episodic and semantic memory are located on opposite sides of the prefrontal cortex
  • What role has cognitive neuroscience played in understanding psychiatric disorders?
    It has shown links between brain structures and the development of disorders like OCD