Area of Study 2

Cards (34)

  • Medicare
    Australian governments universal health care system
  • Medicare goals
    high quality care
  • medicare purpose 

    provides free or subsidised treatment from healthcare services.
  • medicare advantages
    removes cost as an obstacle
    little to no cost of healthcare services
    range of diagnostic tests at a subsidised cost
  • medicare disadvantages
    significant financial burden on the government
    long waiting times for services
    does not cover the cost of allied health services
  • covered by medicare
    essential or necessary services provided by doctors and hospitals at a free or subsided cost
    diagnostic tests and examinations
    treatment and accommodation in a public hospital
  • not covered by medicare
    most dental services
    ambulance services
    medical services not deemed as medically necessary
  • The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
    An Australian government scheme to subsidise the cost of a wide range of prescription medication
  • PBS Aim
    To subsidise the cost of prescription medications, providing Australians with vital medications at affordable prices to ensure optimal healthcare outcomes
  • PBS advantages 

    access to essential medications as a result of subsidised cost
    enables access to medications from local pharmacies rather than a specialist
    Includes the PBS safety net to further protect people from high cost of medications
  • PBS disadvantages 

    Significant financial burden on the Australian government
    Failure to cover all medications
    Co-Payment still needs to be paid by most Australians
  • Private Health Insurance
    A subscription or policy that provides individuals with different levels of cover for a fee.
  • covered under PHI
    accommodation in private hospitals
    theatre fees
    ancillary health services (physio and dental)
  • not covered under PHI
    depending on policy there are many exclusions and restrictions
    cosmetic surgeries
  • PHI advantages
    enabling access to private hospitals by reducing the cost
    helping the financial burden of medicare
    choice of doctor
  • PHI disadvantages

    many out-of- pocket services depending on policy
    feeling of not using services to get moneys worth
  • Private Health Insurance Rebate
    Australians with PHI can claim money from the government to help cover the cost of premiums
  • Medicare Levy Surcharge
    There is an additional 1-1.5 per cent surcharge to high income earners without private health insurance
  • Lifetime Health Cover
    If not covered after 1st July following the 31st birthday, individuals are charged an 2% loading on their cover per year if they decide to take it out later (up to 70%)
  • Age-based discount
    People aged 18-29 can receive 10% off their premiums. applies until 41 before reducing by 2% each year until 0
  • Community health service
    Black Dog Institute: dedicated to understandiung, preventing and treating mental illness through research, services and public education.
  • Black Dog Institute's Impact on Health and Wellbeing
    • Physical Health: Promotes exercise, balanced diets and sleep, recognizing the link between physical and mental wellbeing.
    • Social Health: Provides community programs and support groups that foster connection and reduce isolation. (support groups)
    • Emotional Health: Offering tools such as apps and online programs for emotional regulation, resilience, and stress management.
  • Factors affecting access to health services and information
    • knowledge
    • geographical location
    • cost
    • language barrier
    • culture/religion
  • medical technology
    Diagnostic tools and equipment
    Medical Proceedures
  • Issues with medical technology
    Equity of Access
    Freedom of choice
  • Digital Media Challenges
  • Digital Media Opportunities
    Free from Websites and Apps
    Anonymous access
    Available 24/7
    Range of Languages
  • Consumer Rights
    Safe and high quality healthcare
    Shown respect
    Communication about services, treatment, options and costs
    Inclusion in discussions regarding decisions
    Confidentiality of their health information
  • Consumer Responsibilities
    Attends scheduled appointments and reschedules/cancels if unable to make it
    Provides accurate information to providers
    Asks questions or concerns
    Respectful towards healthcare staff and other people at service
  • Complaints: Who

    Anyone and family and friends on behalf of an individual with their permission
  • Complaints: What
    Any healthcare provider
    Anyone who handles health-related information
    Health-service organisers
    Individual health practitioners
  • Complaints: Outcomes
    Access to treatment
    Access or fix to health records
    Refund or compensation
    Formal investigation
  • Complaints: Tips

    Take issue directly to provider
    Put issue into writing
    Clear about information and soultion
  • Complaints: Who to
    Health provider directly
    Health company
    Health complaints commissioner
    Victorian Ombudsman
    Regulatory bodies (... board of Australia)