Extraneous Variables

    Cards (8)

    • Extraneous Variables = Factors which can influence the DV other than the IV
    • Psychologists do not want these variables to effect the DV as they are interested in the effect the IV has on the DV.
    • Researchers try to control extraneous variables as much as they can.
    • Investigator Effects:
      • Involves anything the investigator does that has an effect on a participant’s performance in a study other than what was intended.
      • Referred to as investigator or experimenter bias.
      • Includes direct effects (e.g. smiling or spending more time with one group) and indirect effects (e.g. the design of the study).
      • Can also include the way questions are asked (leading questions).
    • Demand Characteristics:
      • Involves participants acting on cues or looking for clues that influence how they behave.
      • They may act in a way that they think is expected and over-perform to please the experimenter (Please-U effect).
      • They may deliberately under-perform to sabotage the results of the study (Screw-U effect).
      • Either way, participant behaviour is no longer natural.
      • Participants may also behave in a way they see as socially desirable.
    • Participant Variables:
      • Certain characteristics associated with participants (not the way they behave due to demand characteristics).
      • This can include age, gender, intelligence, motivation, personality, experience.
      • It is important to overcome any participant variables that may act as an extraneous variable so that it doesn’t affect the experiment/study.
    • Situational Variables:
      • Factors associated with the environment that could have an effect on the study.
      • Examples: noise, lighting, time of day, heat.
    • Confounding Variables:
      • Type of extraneous variable.
      • They vary systematically with the IV and often occur as a result of an extraneous variable not being controlled.
      • Extraneous variables DO NOT systematically vary with the IV.