
    Cards (28)

    • What is the main premise of the biological approach in psychology?
      Everything psychological is first biological.
    • What does the phrase "The mind lives in the brain" imply?
      It suggests that there is a physical basis for thought.
    • How can behavior that is explained biologically be treated?
      It can be treated biologically through drugs or surgery.
    • What type of research is commonly conducted in the biological approach?
      Experimental research on animals.
    • What are the key assumptions of the biological approach?
      • Understanding brain structure and function explains thoughts and behavior.
      • Biological structures and processes (genes, neurochemistry, nervous system) are essential for understanding human behavior.
    • How do biological psychologists use brain structure in their research?
      They use brain structure to explain differences in behavior.
    • What is the purpose of MRI scans in biological psychology?
      MRI scans link differences in brain structure to behaviors.
    • What did Maguire (2000) find about London taxi drivers?
      They have a larger hippocampus than controls.
    • What does neurochemistry refer to?
      It refers to the action of chemicals in the brain, specifically neurotransmitters.
    • What mental disorders are associated with an imbalance of neurochemicals?
      OCD and schizophrenia.
    • What is heredity?
      The passing of characteristics from one generation to the next through genes.
    • How do genes influence characteristics?
      Genes carry instructions for particular characteristics, influenced by the environment.
    • What is natural selection?
      The process by which genetically determined behaviors that enhance survival are passed on.
    • What is the difference between genotype and phenotype?
      Genotype is the set of genes, while phenotype is how those genes are expressed.
    • What does evolution refer to in the context of behavior?
      Changes in inherited characteristics in a biological population over generations.
    • What is the focus of psychologists studying the genetic basis of behavior?
      To determine the extent to which behaviors are influenced by genetics or the environment.
    • What methods are used to investigate the genetic basis of behavior?
      1. Twin studies
      2. Adoption studies
    • What do monozygotic twins share in terms of genetics?
      They share 100% of their genes.
    • What do dizygotic twins share in terms of genetics?
      They share 50% of their genes.
    • What is the purpose of comparing concordance rates in twin studies?
      To study the likelihood that certain traits have a genetic basis.
    • What is the definition of concordance rate?
      A measure of similarity between two individuals on a given trait, expressed as a percentage.
    • What do adoption studies compare?
      They compare traits between adopted children and their biological or adoptive parents.
    • What are the real-world applications of the biological approach?
      • Development of medications for mental disorders.
      • Example: Antidepressants increase serotonin levels.
      • Improved quality of life for patients with mental disorders.
    • What is a limitation of antidepressant drugs?
      They do not work for everyone, challenging the biological approach's validity.
    • What is biological determinism?
      It is the view that behavior is determined by internal genetic causes.
    • What is a criticism of the biological approach regarding behavior?
      It is reductionist and ignores environmental influences.
    • What are the strengths of the biological approach?
      • Uses scientific methods of investigation.
      • Employs precise and objective measurements (e.g., MRI, EEG).
      • Based on objective and reliable data.
    • Why are scientific methods important in the biological approach?
      They allow for accurate measurement of physiological and neural processes.
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