Cards (26)

  • What does social learning theory explain about behavior?
    It explains behavior through both direct and indirect reinforcement.
  • How does social learning theory differ from traditional learning theories?
    It incorporates cognitive factors along with direct and indirect reinforcement.
  • What are the two main ways people learn according to social learning theory?
    Observation and imitation.
  • What is the role of cognitive mediation in social learning theory?
    It allows humans to process stimuli before responding.
  • What are the four main concepts of social learning theory?
    1. Modelling
    2. Imitation
    3. Identification
    4. Vicarious reinforcement
  • What is modelling in the context of social learning theory?
    Modelling is when someone demonstrates the behavior to be learned.
  • Who can be considered as models in social learning theory?
    Live models like parents and symbolic models like celebrities.
  • What are the key determinants of imitation?
    The observed consequences, the observer's perceived ability, and the characteristics of the model.
  • Why are children more likely to imitate behaviors of role models?
    Because they identify with them and perceive similar characteristics.
  • What is vicarious reinforcement?
    Learning that occurs by observing the rewards or punishments of others' behaviors.
  • What are the four mediational processes identified by Bandura?
    Attention, retention, motor reproduction, and motivation.
  • How does attention affect the learning process?
    It determines the extent to which we notice certain behaviors.
  • What does retention refer to in Bandura's mediational processes?
    How well the behavior is remembered.
  • What is motor reproduction in the context of social learning theory?
    The ability of the observer to perform the behavior.
  • What does motivation refer to in Bandura's mediational processes?
    The will to perform the behavior, influenced by rewards or punishments.
  • What was the aim of Bandura, Ross, and Ross's (1961) study?
    To see if children would show more aggressive behavior when exposed to an aggressive role model.
  • What was the basic procedure of Bandura's follow-up experiments?
    Children watched either a film of an aggressive model or a cartoon character acting aggressively.
  • What was the independent variable in Bandura's 1965 study?
    Whether the model was rewarded, punished, or had no consequences.
  • What were the results of Bandura's 1965 study regarding imitation?
    The 'Reward' condition produced the most imitation, while the 'Model Punished' condition produced much less imitation.
  • What is one strength of Bandura's studies?
    They took place in carefully controlled environments, increasing internal validity.
  • What is one weakness of Bandura's studies?
    Aggression could have been influenced by demand characteristics rather than genuine observational learning.
  • How does social learning theory acknowledge cognitive factors in learning?
    It recognizes that people can store information and make judgments based on observations.
  • What is a weakness of social learning theory regarding biological factors?
    It underestimates the influence of biological factors on behavior.
  • Why is the reliance on lab studies considered a weakness of social learning theory?
    Lab studies may lack external validity and generalizability to real-life situations.
  • How does social learning theory explain cultural differences in behavior?
    It accounts for how children learn and adopt cultural norms through modeling and imitation.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of social learning theory?
    • Acknowledges cognitive factors in learning
    • Explains cultural differences in behavior

    • Underestimates biological influences
    • Relies on lab studies, which may lack external validity