Psychology - Aggression frustration hypothesis

Cards (13)

  • Frustration aggression hypothesis:
    • developed by DOLLARD
    • frustration always leads to aggression and aggression is always the result of frustration
    • hypothesis based on catharsis - a psychological drive. if our attempt to achieve a goal is blocked we experience frustration which leads to an aggressive drive leading to aggressive behaviour
    • aggression created by frustration is then satisfies reducing frustration making further aggression less likely
  • Displaced aggression
    • aggression not always expressed directly on source of frustration as reason may be abstract (economy), too powerful or unavailable at the time.
    • Agression is deflected onto a target that is not abstract, weaker and available
  • Geen
    A: to investigate how frustration affects aggression
    P: male uni students given puzzle to solve and split into 3 condition.
    1. puzzle impossible to solve
    2. ran out of time due to interfering confederate
    3. confederate insulted participant for not being able to complete puzzle
    all 3 levels designed to raise frustration levels. p's had to shock confederated for mistakes made on a different task
    F: insulted participant gave strongest shocks
    C: supports theory that frustration leads to aggression
  • Berkowitz
    • frustration not necessary for aggression
    • developed revised version of the original hypothesis
    • frustration one of a range of unpleasant experiences that can lead to aggression
    • negative experiences create a negative affect triggering aggression
  • What is the weapon effect in relation to aggression?
    Frustration creates a readiness for aggression, even if we are angry.
  • What was the aim of Berkowitz and LePage's study?
    To investigate the role of environmental cues on aggression.
  • What was the procedure used in Berkowitz and LePage's study?
    • Students were given real shocks in a lab by a confederate to create anger.
    • Participants were then allowed to give fake shocks to the confederate.
    • Three different conditions were tested: aggressive cue, non-aggressive cue, and no cue.
  • How did the presence of a weapon affect the number of shocks given in the study?
    The number of shocks given increased when a gun was present on the table.
  • What conclusion can be drawn from Berkowitz and LePage's study?
    Environmental cues can stimulate aggression.
  • AO3: research support
    Marcus Newhall conducted meta analysis on 49 studies investigating displaced aggression. participants were provoked but unable to retaliate directly against the source. participants more like to be aggressive to an innocent party. shows that frustration leads to agression towards weaker target supporting displaced aggression.
    HOWEVER research mainly from lab experiments which lack ecological validity
  • AO3: reali life application
    STAUB found frustration aggression hypothesis used as an explanation for mass killings. these acts are caused by frustration relation to socioeconomic factors. frustrations lead to scapegoating which leads to discrimination and aggression towards the scapegoats. GOLDHAGEN found that many germans were not involved in the holocaust but condoned violence towards jews because of their socioeconomic frustrations
  • AO3: catharsis
    BUSHMAN found that participants who vented their anger by repeatedly hitting a punchbag became more aggressive . using venting to reduce aggression is not beneficial but this is what a lot of therapists suggest. casts doubt on validity of hypothesis as catharsis does not always occur
  • AO3: complex link
    link between frustration and aggression is complex. early research findings suggest frustration does not always lead to aggression and aggression can occur without frustration. frustration leads to a range of behaviour. frustration aggression hypothesis may not arise in every situation