A confederate is a person who takes place in the research but is not a true participant
1920 Watson and Rayner deliberately caused a fear of white rats in a baby through classical conditioning which goes against the code of ethics
in 1985 the bps finally drew up a set of ethical guidelines
The bps code of ethics and conduct was created in 2009
The code has four ethical principles consisting of respect, competence, responsibility and integrity
Ethical principles are to help decision-making in psychological research by ensuring that participants are treated with respect, their rights are protected, and any potential harm is minimized.
Respect consists of keeping the dignity of all participants and disregards all differences in social status, gender etc
Comptenenace specifies that the psychologists must have specialist knowledge
Responsibility states that acceptance for whatever goes on within their management. Also that the trust of others is not abused
Integrity highlights that you must be honest and accurate in the testing at all times
The way to remember the code is DDRIPP
D stands for deception, participants must be told the bare minimum of what they are going to experience in order not to deceive
D2 stands for debrief. The participants must be told they have the rights to remove themes or their information from the study at any point. A run down of their rights
R is the right to withdraw. The participants can remove themselves from the study at any point they are told how to without any harm taking place
I means informed consent, they must give full consent
P stands of protection from physical harm, Participants leave the study remaining unharmed
P2 is Privacy, they have the right to remain anonymous