Collective term for the witches who predict Macbeth's and Banquo's futures
Thane of Cawdor
Title bestowed upon Macbeth later in the play, foretold by the Witches
Banquo's son, prophesied to become King of Scotland
Macduff's Family
Victims of Macbeth's brutal order to eliminate potential threats to his rule
Banquo's Ghost
Symbolizing Macbeth's guilt and moral responsibility for his actions
Lady Macbeth'sMadness
Consequence of her guilt and paranoia, symbolizing the destructive power of unchecked emotions
Illusion of Control
Macbeth's attempts to manipulate fate and control his own destiny ultimately lead to his downfall, highlighting the illusion of control and the unpredictability of life
Nighttime rituals to wash imaginary bloodstains from her hands
"What's done cannot be undone"
Lady Macbeth's acknowledgment of her role in the murder and its irrevocable consequences
"Out, damned spot!"
Lady Macbeth's famous soliloquy, attempting to wash away imaginary bloodstains
Unraveling of Sanity
Lady Macbeth's descent into madness, marked by erratic behavior and increasing paranoia
Tragic Flaw
Lady Macbeth's own ambition and desire for power, which ultimately lead to her downfall
"Out, damned spot!"
Symptom of Lady Macbeth's guilt, shame, and descent into madness
Imaginary Spot
Symbol of Lady Macbeth's guilt, shame, and disconnection from reality