The atmosphere created by the Weird Sisters' performances, which are supernatural and mysterious, making Macbeth and Lady Macbeth uneasy and excited.
Macbeth's deep-seated reactions to the Witches' prophecies, ranging from terror, anxiety, to obsessive desire for power.
iambic pentameter
A pattern of five iambs (unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable) per line, used by the Weird Sisters to create a sense of rhythm and flowing speech.
The technique used by the Weird Sisters to convey their prophecies, making it unclear what they mean and adding to the sense of mystery.
The use of vivid imagery and symbolism by the Weird Sisters to paint a picture of the events that will unfold, using words and phrases that evoke a sense of darkness, chaos, and confusion.
The technique used by the Weird Sisters to create a sense of incantation and mysticism, drawing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into their world.
What did the witches tell Macbeth about his vulnerability?