india and its size

Cards (25)

  • India entirely lies on the northern hemisphere
  • the line that divides india into two hemisphere is the line of cancer
  • the total area of India is 3.28million sq cm
  • 2.43% of land has been covered by India
  • the latitude of india is: 8°4'N and 37°6'M
    the longitude of India is: 68°7'E and 94°25'E
  • areawise, india is the 7th position in the world
  • chronologically, set the country by its areawise:
    1. russia
    2. Canada
    3. USA
    4. china
    5. brazil
    6. Australia
    7. India
  • the indian standard time (IST) is 82°30'E
  • standard meridian India passes from mizapur (Uttar Pradesh)
  • the land boundary of india is 15,200km
  • the coastline of mainland India including Andaman and Nicobar island and Lakshadweep is 7516.6km
  • Suez canal opens in 1869, it helped to reduce India's distance from Europe by 700km
  • the triangular landmass surroundeed by water all three sides is called a peninsula
  • the island group lying in the Arabian Sea the is the Lakshadweep Island and the island lying in the bay of Bengal is the Andaman and Nicobar island
  • the Indian subcontinent is called so because it covers an expansive area of land that includes the Himalayan region in the north.
  • the countries constituting the Indian subcontinent is: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, sri lanka, Maldives and Pakistan
  • the states that go through the tropics of cancer are Gujurat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, west Bengal, Tripura and Mizoram.
  • the southern most part/lowest point of Indian union is the Indira point
  • Kanyakumari is located near the equator where as kashmir is located far away from the equator. we know places near the equator stay warm all year round because they get sunlight. places further away get sunlight from different angles, causing bigger temperature changes between seasons. hence places located closer to the equator do not feel the difference between the duration of day and night, the difference increases as we move far from the equator
  • areawise, the largest state is Rajasthan and the smallest state is Goa
  • Sri Lanka was separated from India by narrow channel of sea the palk strait and gulf of mammon
  • the state which does not have an international boarder and that is on the coast is Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Jharkhand
  • north-south extent of india is 3214km
  • east-west of indis is 2933km
  • the coastline of India is 7516