Cards (96)

  • What does the Catholic Church teach about sex outside of marriage?
    It is considered wrong.
  • What is the conservative religious view on gender roles mentioned in the session?
    Men and women are spiritually equal but have different social roles.
  • What is the quote from Surah 17 regarding adultery?
    Adultery is an evil path.
  • What are Saint Thomas Aquinas's five precepts of natural moral law?
    Preservation of life, reproduction, education of children, ordering of society, and worship of God.
  • How does the Catholic Church view every sex act according to the encyclical Humanae Vitae?
    Every sex act must remain open to the transmission of life.
  • What is the UK law that legalized homosexual acts in England and Wales?
    The Sexual Offences Act of 1967
  • When did same-sex marriage become legal in the UK?
    In 2013
  • What does the term homosexuality mean?
    Being physically and sexually attracted to persons of the same gender.
  • What is the significance of the quote from the Quakers regarding relationships?
    It emphasizes that the nature and quality of the relationship matter, not the gender of those involved.
  • What is the key Christian teaching regarding sex before marriage?
    Sex should only take place within marriage and be open to procreation.
  • What do the Ten Commandments teach about adultery?
    Do not commit adultery.
  • What is the significance of marriage vows in the context of adultery?
    Adultery breaks the promises made during marriage vows.
  • What does Hebrews 13:4 teach about marriage?
    The marriage bed should be kept pure, and God will judge the adulterer.
  • What do the Ten Commandments say about adultery?
    They clearly state not to commit adultery.
  • Why is adultery considered wrong in Christianity?
    It goes against the marriage vows made in the presence of God and witnesses.
  • What does Hebrews 13:4 teach about marriage?
    It teaches that the marriage bed should be kept pure and that God will judge the adulterer.
  • What is the Catholic Church's stance on sex outside of marriage?
    It is considered a grave sin, regardless of the duration of the relationship.
  • What does Saint Paul say about sex before marriage?
    He states it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
  • What is the purpose of contraception according to the Catholic Church?
    Artificial contraception is considered intrinsically evil.
  • What does the Church of England say about contraception?
    It believes contraception is acceptable if done in the light of Christian principles.
  • What are the two key methods of contraception mentioned?
    Natural methods (e.g., rhythm method) and artificial methods (e.g., condoms, birth control pill).
  • What is family planning according to the Catholic Church?
    It involves planning when to have a family using natural methods of contraception.
  • What are the positive attitudes towards contraception among religious people?
    • Church of England: Acceptable within committed relationships.
    • Some Muslims: Can be used for family planning and health reasons.
  • Why do some religious people have negative attitudes towards contraception?
    They believe it interferes with God's plan for procreation.
  • What does the Catholic Church say about the purpose of sex?
    It is primarily for procreation and must remain open to the transmission of life.
  • What are the purposes of marriage in Christianity?
    • To become one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
    • To have a committed lifelong relationship.
    • To procreate and start a family.
    • To fulfill the sacraments.
  • What is the Catholic Church's view on divorce?
    Divorce is not allowed; annulment is required instead.
  • Why does the Catholic Church believe marriage is indissoluble?
    Because what God has joined together, no man should separate (Mark 10:9).
  • What is the significance of marriage vows?
    They represent a commitment to stay together and are significant in both Christianity and Islam.
  • What percentage of marriages end in divorce?
    Up to 50% of marriages end in divorce.
  • What are the contrasting beliefs about divorce in Christianity?
    • Some Christians accept divorce under certain circumstances.
    • The Catholic Church does not allow divorce and requires annulment.
  • What is the role of the Pope in the annulment process?
    The Pope declares whether a marriage is valid or not in the annulment process.
  • What is the significance of the phrase "one flesh" in marriage?
    It signifies the deep spiritual and physical union between married partners.
  • How do contrasting beliefs about marriage and divorce reflect broader religious values?
    They illustrate differing views on commitment, procreation, and the sanctity of marriage.
  • What is the Catholic Church's stance on divorce?
    The Catholic Church does not allow divorce and requires an annulment instead.
  • What is an annulment in the context of the Catholic Church?
    An annulment is a declaration that a marriage was never valid in the eyes of the Church.
  • Why does the Catholic Church believe divorce is not allowed?
    Because marriage is seen as a sacred union joined by God, making separation impossible.
  • Which Bible verse supports the Catholic view on marriage being indissoluble?
    Mark 10:9: "What God has joined together, let no man separate."
  • What does the term "one flesh" signify in the context of marriage according to Catholicism?
    It signifies that a married couple becomes one entity in the eyes of God.
  • What is the Church of England's position on divorce?
    • Accepts that marriages can fail.
    • Allows divorce under certain circumstances.
    • Permits remarriage after divorce.