truine God

Cards (140)

  • What terms can be used to describe the belief in one God known in three persons?
    Triune God and Trinity
  • What is the doctrine of the Trinity?
    It is the belief that there is one God made known in three persons.
  • According to the Catechism, how many gods do we confess in the Trinity?
    One God in three persons
  • What does the Shield of the Trinity represent?
    It shows that all three persons are God and equal, yet distinct.
  • How do the terms "triune God" and "Trinity" differ in focus according to the AQA exam board?
    "Triune God" focuses on the oneness of God, while "Trinity" emphasizes the three persons.
  • Are the terms "triune God" and "Trinity" mentioned in the Bible?
    No, these terms were developed later by the early church.
  • What is the significance of the Shema in Jewish belief?
    It emphasizes the belief in one God, recited daily by Jews.
  • What does Deuteronomy 6:4 state about God?
    O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
  • How did the first Christians view the nature of God?
    They believed God revealed Himself in human form through Jesus.
  • What do the baptism narratives in Mark and Matthew demonstrate about the Trinity?
    They show God as Father, Son, and Spirit during Jesus's baptism.
  • What does St. Paul refer to in Galatians 4:6?
    He refers to God the Father, God the Spirit, and God the Son.
  • How do Christians interpret the creation narrative in Genesis in relation to the Trinity?
    They see a Trinitarian nature in the roles of Father, Spirit, and Son during creation.
  • What does Genesis 1:26-27 imply about the nature of God?
    It uses a plural term to refer to God, indicating a relationship.
  • How do Christians interpret the creation of mankind in Genesis?
    They believe it shows that God is in relationship, similar to male and female relationships.
  • What is the relationship between the three persons of the Trinity?
    • All three persons are God.
    • They are equal yet distinct.
    • They exist in a dynamic creative relationship.
  • What biblical evidence supports the doctrine of the Trinity?
    • Baptism narratives in Mark and Matthew
    • St. Paul's letters (e.g., Galatians 4:6)
    • Creation narrative in Genesis
  • What are the three distinct areas Catholics base their beliefs on?
    The Bible, church tradition, and the Magisterium
  • How can the basis for all Catholic beliefs be represented visually?
    • As a three-legged stool
    • The conscience is the seat above the three legs
  • What does the term Magisterium refer to in the Catholic Church?
    The teaching authority of the church
  • On what concept is the authority of the Magisterium based?
    Apostolic succession
  • Who did Jesus give authority to according to the Gospels?
  • What does the symbolism of the keys represent in relation to Peter?
    Peter was given authority and responsibility to lead the church
  • Who is considered the first pope in Catholic belief?
  • What role do the current bishops play in relation to the Apostles?
    They are their successors
  • What does the gathering of the Pope and bishops form?
    The Magisterium, the official teaching authority of the church
  • Why is having a Magisterium important for the Catholic Church?
    It helps resolve disputes that cannot be settled by the Bible and tradition alone
  • What historical dispute did the Apostles resolve at the council in Jerusalem?
    • Whether non-Jewish Christians should be circumcised
    • They agreed that non-Jewish Christians did not need to be circumcised
  • What was one of the best-known examples of councils confirming beliefs in the church?
    • The councils of Nicaea and Constantinople
    • They addressed heresies and clarified church doctrine
  • What heresy did Arius teach regarding Jesus?
    That Jesus was not equal to God the Father
  • What significant agreement was made at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD?
    That God the Son was begotten, not made
  • What does "consubstantial" mean in relation to God the Son and God the Father?
    They are made of the same substance
  • How did the Council of Nicaea address Arius's views?
    It declared his views as heresy
  • What challenge arose regarding the Holy Spirit's relationship to the Trinity?
    Some suggested the Holy Spirit was not divine
  • What adjustment was made to the Creed at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD?
    It declared the Holy Spirit is adored and glorified
  • How does the Nicene Creed illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity?
    • It has distinct sections for each person of the Trinity
    • It emphasizes the roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
    • It affirms the equality of the three persons
  • What role does God the Father play according to the Nicene Creed?
    Creator, maker of heaven and earth
  • What role does God the Son play according to the Nicene Creed?
    Savior for us men and our salvation
  • What role does God the Holy Spirit play according to the Nicene Creed?
    Giver of life and speaks through the prophets
  • How does the Nicene Creed emphasize the equality of the three persons of the Trinity?
    By stating that Jesus is God from God and true God from true God
  • What does the phrase "who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified" signify about the Holy Spirit?
    It teaches that the Holy Spirit is fully God