Computing GCSE

Cards (24)

  • Sampling Rate
    Samples taken per second (Hz)
  • Sample Resolution
    Number of bits stored per sample
  • Sound file size
    Rate (Hz) * Resolution (bits) * Duration (secs)
  • Colour Depth
    Number of bits to store colour of each pixel
    7 bits per character (272^7)
  • Unicode
    16 bits per character (212^16^6)
  • Image file size

    Colour Depth * Width * Length
  • Text file size

    Bits per character * Characters
  • Hexadecimal Conversion
    Find the decimal for each half of the binary (A = 10...)
  • Arithmetic
    0+0 = 0
    0+1 = 1
    1+1 = 0 carry 1
    1+1+1 = 1 carry 1
  • Binary Shift
    Left shift 1 = x2
    Right shift 3 = /8
  • Run Length Encoding
    Number of times value occurs + Value
  • Huffman (Trees)

    Follow path down to desired character. Common characters have shorter code.
  • Local variable
    Declared & exists/accessible only in Subroutines
  • Global variable
    Declared & accessible throughout (including Subroutines)
  • Records
    Group values of different data types
  • Multiple Tables

    SELECT Field1, Field2
    FROM Table1, Table2
    WHERE Table1.ForeignKey = Table2.ForeignKey
  • Logic Gates
  • Flowcharts
  • Char-Code Conversion
    Character -> ASCII
  • Substring
    Specific part of a string
  • Function vs. Procedure
    Function: returns value to main program
    Procedure: does not
  • Boundary, Erroneous Test

    Boundary: at the poles of what is(n't) accepted
    Erroneous: invalid
    UPDATE TableName
    SET Field = "x"
    WHERE Condition