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  • Named after Paul Broca, French neurosurgeon
  • Treated a patient called ‘Tan’ – unable to speak other than this one word (but did
    understand language)
  • Studied 8 other patients who similar language deficits, along with lesions in their left frontal hemisphere
  • Patients with damage to their right frontal hemisphere did not have the same problems
  • This led him to identify the existence of a language centre in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere (Broca 1865)
  • Believed to be critical for speech production
  • Damage results in Broca’s aphasia - slow speech that is lacking in fluency.
  • Responsible for the use of spontaneous speech and motor speech control
  • If the area is damaged then people suffering from Broca’s aphasia would have trouble forming coherent sentences and words