hard and soft power

Cards (10)

  • what is hard power?

    influence through military force
  • what is soft power?

    influences through persuasion that attracts other countries
  • how do you maintain power?
    using methods on a spectrum between hard and soft power
  • what are some mechanisms to exercise hard/soft power?

    • military force or the threat of it
    • the creation of alliances or institutions which will exclude or marginalize some countries
    • using economic sanctions to damage a countries economy
    • only selectively providing development aid
    • signing favorable trade agreements
    • attractiveness of culture, values and ideology
  • example of a country that exerts influence through soft power
    UK, once a superpower through hard power
  • how does the history of the UK exert soft power?

    british empire:
    • means english is the most spoken language after mandarin
    • gives access to english literature and news
    The british legal system and education system form the basis for law and eduction in many commonwealth countries
    british and US values have been incorporated into international institutions eg the UN
  • how does the culture of the UK exert soft power?

    the BBC world service broadcasts news and programs, they are widely respected as being neutral and more reliable than govornment run broadcasters
    films: eg pride and prejudice convey british values
    City of London dominates international finance which sets the standards for international finance
  • how does the diplomacy of the UK exert soft power?

    • the UK has one of the largest networks of diplomats and embassies in the world
    • the UK may benefit from its moral authority of its foreign policy and how it defends smaller states
  • how does the economy of the UK exert soft power?

    UK has the 5th largest economy in the world in 2016
    • makes it a very attractive market
  • How has the USA used hard power?

    intervened with the Afghanistan war (2001)
    organised and led a coalition to expel iraqi forces from Kuwait in the first gulf war (1991)
    invaded iraq in the second gulf war (2003)