- very attached to parent- short attention span- limited and language - can follow simple instructions- fear of loudnoises- may exhibit negativebehaviour
What are characteristics of a 4 year old?
- inquisitive - very legalistic - good imagination - developing and asserting independence
What are characteristics in late childhood?
• Less dependent on parents • Identifies with members of samesex • More sophisticated use of language • 7 years 'age of reasoning '• Sense of duty and accomplishment
What are characteristics of adolescents?
• Independence and identity formation • Emotionalturmoil • Moody and oversensitive to criticism • Miserable for no apparent reason
What factors are indicative of child anxiety?
• Previous medical history • Previous dental history • Social history • Awareness of dental problem • Child temperament • Parents!
What are the different behavior's children can exhibit?
Does parental presence affect children's behaviour?
• Generally children's behaviour unaffected by parental presence/absence • Except younger than 4
What is the advantage of having parents present?
• Silent supporter • Emotional support • Consent • Involved in preventive regimes
What is the advantage of having parents absent?
• Reduce communicationinterference • Eliminate transference of parentalanxiety • Dentist more relaxed
How does the dental team impact child behaviour?
• Pre-appointment information • Waitingtimes • Dentalenvironment • Communication • Manner • Structure of appointment • Appointmentscheduling
What is the advantage of the pre-appointment information letter?
• Useful for parental and child anxiety • Welcome to practice • Photos of staff • Information about what will happen at firstvisit • Advice on preparing the child • Simple language
How do waiting times affect child behaviour?
• Long waiting times have adverse effect on child behaviour • Run on time (organisation is key) • Activities in the waiting room