Cards (468)

  • What is the duration for which the United States will admit Spanish ships and merchandise to the ports of the Philippine Islands?
    Ten years
  • What will the United States do with the Spanish soldiers taken as prisoners of war after the capture of Manila?
    Send them back to Spain at its own cost
  • What will Spain do upon the exchange of ratifications of the treaty regarding the Philippines and Guam?
    Proceed to evacuate the Philippines and Guam
  • What types of property will remain the property of Spain in the Philippines and Guam?
    Stands of colors, uncaptured war vessels, small arms, guns, powder, ammunition, livestock, and materials
  • How long will pieces of heavy ordnance in fortifications and coast defenses remain in their emplacements?
    Six months
  • What is the significance of the United States being able to purchase materials from Spain during the six-month period?
    It allows the U.S. to acquire necessary military materials while respecting Spain's property rights
  • What will Spain do upon the signature of the treaty regarding prisoners of war?
    Release all prisoners of war and political detainees
  • What will the United States undertake concerning Spanish prisoners in the hands of insurgents?
    Obtain their release
  • What claims do the United States and Spain mutually relinquish according to Article VII?
    All claims for indemnity of every kind
  • What does Spain relinquish in Cuba and cede in other territories according to Article VIII?
    All buildings, wharves, barracks, forts, and other immovable property
  • What rights do Spanish subjects retain in the territories ceded to the United States?
    Rights of property and the ability to carry on their industry and commerce
  • What must Spanish subjects do to preserve their allegiance to the Crown of Spain?
    Make a declaration before a court of record within a year
  • How will the civil rights and political status of native inhabitants be determined?
    By the Congress of the United States
  • What is guaranteed to the inhabitants of the territories regarding their religion?
    Free exercise of their religion
  • What jurisdiction will Spaniards residing in ceded territories be subject to?
    Civil and criminal jurisdiction of the local courts
  • What happens to judicial proceedings pending at the time of the treaty's ratification?
    They will be determined according to specific rules outlined in the treaty
  • What rights are secured by copyrights and patents acquired by Spaniards in ceded territories?
    They shall continue to be respected
  • For how long will Spanish scientific, literary, and artistic works be admitted free of duty into the ceded territories?
    Ten years
  • What power does Spain have regarding consular officers in ceded territories?
    To establish consular officers in the ports
  • What treatment will merchant vessels of each country receive in respect of port charges?
    They will receive the same treatment as the merchant vessels of the other country
  • When was the Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain signed?
    December 10, 1898
  • What is the role of the President of the United States regarding the treaty?
    To ratify the treaty with the advice and consent of the Senate
  • When were the ratifications of the treaty exchanged?
    April 11, 1899
  • What does the proclamation by President William McKinley signify?
    That the treaty and its articles must be observed and fulfilled with good faith
  • What is the date of the proclamation made by President William McKinley?
    April 11, 1899
  • What are the main themes depicted in the Philippine political cartoons during the American era?
    • National attitudes toward American presence
    • Changing mores and times
    • Reflection of the turbulent period
  • Who is Alfred McCoy and what are his contributions?
    • J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • Specializes in Southeast Asia
    • Authored works on Philippine political history and opium trafficking
  • What is the significance of the academic background of Alfred McCoy?
    • Attended Columbia University, UC Berkeley, and Yale University
    • Focused on Philippine history and foreign policy
    • Notable works include "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia"
  • What rights do Spanish subjects have in ceded territories according to the treaty?
    • Right to property and commerce
    • Ability to retain allegiance to Spain
    • Subject to local laws applicable to foreigners
  • What are the obligations of the United States regarding Cuba as per the treaty?
    • Limited to the time of U.S. occupancy
    • Advise any government established in Cuba to assume the same obligations
  • What is the process for judicial proceedings pending at the time of the treaty's ratification?
    1. Final judgments will be executed by competent authority
    2. Undetermined civil suits will continue in the original court
    3. Criminal actions will remain under Spanish jurisdiction until final judgment
  • What are the implications of the treaty for the rights of property secured by copyrights and patents?
    • They will continue to be respected
    • Spanish works will be admitted free of duty for ten years
  • What is the significance of the exchange of ratifications of the treaty?
    • Marks the official end of hostilities
    • Initiates the obligations and rights outlined in the treaty
  • What are the responsibilities of the United States regarding the treatment of merchant vessels from Spain?
    • Accord the same treatment as U.S. merchant vessels
    • Maintain this treatment for ten years
  • What is the role of the Senate in the ratification of the treaty?
    • Provides advice and consent for the treaty's ratification
    • Ensures the treaty aligns with U.S. interests
  • What is the title of the treaty signed between the USA and Spain on December 10, 1898?
    Treaty of Peace Between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain
  • What was the purpose of the Treaty of Paris signed in 1898?
    To end the state of war between the United States and Spain
  • Who were the plenipotentiaries for the United States in the Treaty of Paris?
    William R. Day, Cushman K. Davis, William P. Frye, George Gray, and Whitelaw Reid
  • Who represented Spain in the Treaty of Paris?
    Don Eugenio Montero Rios, Don Buenaventura De Abarzuza, Don Jose de Garnica, Don Wenceslao Ramirez de Villa-Urrutia, and Don Rafael Cerero
  • What did Article I of the Treaty of Paris state regarding Cuba?
    Spain relinquishes all claims of sovereignty over Cuba