Cards (138)

  • What are the three types of discussion-stimulating questions mentioned?
    Discussion-Stimulating Questions, Questions That Guide Problem Solving, Rhetorical Questions
  • What are the key questioning techniques for effective teaching?
    1. Prepare Some Questions Ahead of Time
    2. State Questions Clearly and Specifically
    3. Tolerate Some Silence
    4. Listen Carefully to Responses, Don't Interrupt
    5. Use the "Beam, Focus, Build" Technique
    6. Provide Feedback
    7. Handle Wrong Answers Carefully
  • What are the purposes of visual aids in teaching?
    1. Enhance Understanding
    2. Add Interest to the Classroom
    3. Cater to Different Learning Styles
  • What factors should be considered when selecting media for visual aids?
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Availability of Materials/Technical Feasibility
    3. Level, Ability, and Number of Students
  • How do visual aids enhance understanding?
    They break down complex concepts into more digestible visual components.
  • How do visual aids cater to different learning styles?
    By incorporating images, charts, or diagrams for visual learners.
  • What is a disadvantage of visual aids related to technology?
    Dependency on technology can lead to problems if there are technical issues.
  • What is the case study method in teaching?
    A student-centered approach where learners explore open-ended problems with multiple outcomes.
  • What is the role of role-playing in education?
    It allows learners to act out roles in simulated situations to deal with real-life challenges.
  • What is a buzz session?
    A quick group activity designed to stimulate discussion and enhance participation.
  • What is collaborative learning?
    An educational approach where students work together in small groups to complete assignments.
  • What is the purpose of a debate forum in teaching?
    To engage participants in a structured argument on a controversial topic.
  • What is the purpose of a panel forum?
    To engage a group of experts in a structured discussion on a specific topic.
  • What is a symposium or seminar?

    An organized meeting where experts discuss specific aspects of a problem or topic.
  • What is the deductive method in teaching?
    A teacher-centered approach that starts with a general rule followed by specific examples.
  • What is the inductive method in teaching?
    A learner-centered approach where students discover rules by observing specific examples.
  • Who coined the term "Andragogy"?
    Malcolm Shepherd Knowles
  • What is the difference between pedagogy and andragogy?
    Pedagogy focuses on teaching children, while andragogy focuses on adult education.
  • What are Knowles' 5 assumptions of adult learners?
    1. Self-Concept: Adults become self-directed learners.
    2. Learner Experience: Adults use accumulated experiences as resources.
    3. Readiness to Learn: Learning is oriented to social roles.
    4. Orientation to Learning: Focus on problem-centered learning.
    5. Motivation to Learn: Driven by personal goals.
  • What are the learning propositions based on the Book of Andragogy?
    1. Behavioral Reinforcement
    2. Repetition Without Feedback
    3. Threat and Punishment
    4. Immediate Reinforcement
  • What are the key steps for organizing a lecture?
    1. Plan Your Objectives
    2. Make an Outline
    3. Use a Hierarchical or Classical Outline
    4. Plan Your Delivery
    5. Rehearse the Lecture
  • What techniques can improve the delivery of a lecture?
    1. Using multimedia
    2. Asking questions
    3. Voice modulations
    4. Eye contact
    5. Body Language
  • What are the advantages of discussions in teaching?
    1. Problem Solving
    2. Application of Concepts
    3. Clarification of Information
    4. Changing Attitudes and Values
  • What are the disadvantages of discussions in teaching?
    1. Time-Consuming
    2. Monopolization by Few Participants
    3. Uninformed Opinions
  • What are the techniques for effective discussions?
    1. Make Expectations Clear
    2. Set Ground Rules
    3. Arrange Physical Space
    4. Plan a Discussion Starter
    5. Facilitate, Don't Discuss
    6. Encourage Quiet Members to Participate
    7. Don't Allow Monopolies
    8. Direct the Discussion Among Group Members
    9. Keep the Discussion on Track
    10. Clarify When Confusion Reigns
    11. Tolerate Some Silence
    12. Summarize When Appropriate
  • What are the functions of questions in teaching?
    They place learners in an active role, assess knowledge, help review content, motivate students, and guide thought processes.
  • What are the levels of questioning according to Wink Classification?
    1. Convergent Questions
    2. Divergent Questions
  • What are the types of questioning in teaching?
    1. Factual Questions
    2. Probing Questions
    • Extension Probes
    • Clarification Probes
    • Justification Probes
    • Prompting Probes
    • Redirection Probes
    1. Multiple Choice Question Tests
    2. Open-Ended Questions
  • What is a traditional oral essay lecture?
    The teacher presents an organized essay or exposition on a topic.
  • What is the purpose of a participatory lecture?
    To engage students early by allowing them to bring in their own knowledge and ideas.
  • What is the purpose of a lecture with uncompleted handouts?
    To keep students attentive and actively listening by filling in missing information.
  • What is a feedback lecture?
    A lecture broken into smaller segments with mini-group discussions in between.
  • What is a mediated lecture?
    A lecture that incorporates media, such as slides or videos, alongside traditional oral lectures.
  • What is the purpose of lectures in education?
    To efficiently introduce new topics and set the foundation for further learning.
  • What are the types of lectures mentioned?
    1. Traditional Oral Essay
    2. Participatory Lecture
    3. Lecture with Uncompleted Handouts
    4. Feedback Lecture
    5. Mediated Lecture
  • What are the two main types of lectures mentioned in the study material?
    Inspirational and informational
  • What is the purpose of a participatory lecture?
    • Engages students early
    • Allows students to bring in their own knowledge and ideas
  • How does a lecture with uncompleted handouts keep students attentive?
    • Students fill in missing information during the lecture
    • Encourages active listening
  • What is the purpose of a feedback lecture?
    • Breaks the lecture into smaller segments
    • Incorporates mini-group discussions to enhance retention and understanding
  • What does a mediated lecture incorporate to enhance engagement?
    • Media such as slides, videos, or web-based images
    • Makes the lecture more illustrative