Cards (5)

  • EVAL points ERP
    • S - uses EEG tech which has high temporal resolution
    • S - uses EEG tech which is cheaper than fMRI
    • W - conducting it is time consuming
    • W - uses EEG tech which has low spatial resolution
  • W - ERP- conducting it is time consuming. As ERPs are small and difficult to distinguish from other brain activity. It thus requires a large number of trails in order to gain meaningful data and eliminate extraneous activity. This is time consuming and not ideal for all research situations e.g. testing young children that struggle to concentrate for long periods
  • W - ERP - uses EEG tech which has low spatial resolution. This is bc EEG measures the combined activity of many neurons in different parts of the brain underneath electrodes. Since EEG signal is not useful for pinpointing the exact source of neural activity, we need methods like fMRI to do this
  • S - ERP - uses EEG tech which has high temporal resolution. Unlike fMRI with the delay between neural activity and blood flow, EEG has no delay between electrical currents and neural activity. EGG picks up quick changes in neural activity which happen any ms. Therefore EEG and by extension ERP can help identify exactly when neural activity occurs
  • S - ERP - uses EEG tech which is cheaper than fMRI. Therefore it is more affordable to test a larger sample size. Thus increasing the generalisability of findings of studies where EEG is used. Moreover, this makes EEG and by extension ERP a more accessible method for researchers