Rogers and Self concept

Cards (4)

  • What did Rogers believe

    -believed that self concept refers to how we perceive ourselves as a person. He argues that we have two basic needs positive regard from other people and a sense/feeling of self worth
  • When did Roger believe the self develops

    -in childhood as a result of our interactions with our parents.
    -Roger argued that sometimes people can place conditions of worth onto us that we feel we have to live up to
    -Roger believed that the closer our self concept is to our ideal self the greater our feelings of self worth and the greater our psychological health
  • Outline congruence
    -When there is a similarity between a persons self and ideal self a state of congruence exists
    -however if there is a difference between the self and ideal self a person is in a state of incongruence
  • Outline conditions of worth
    -although other people may help the process of self actualisation, Rogers believed they may also hinder it.
    -The love and acceptance given is often unconditional-unconditional positive regard is the ideal
    -However a person can also experience positive regard and develop conditions of self worth. These are conditions which they perceive others put on them and which they have to live up to