Influence of Counselling Psychology

Cards (3)

  • What did Rogers Claim

    -that an individuals psychological problems were a direct result of their conditions of worth and the conditional positive regard they would receive.
    -He believed that with counselling, people would become more able to solve their own problems in constructive ways and move towards becoming a more fully functioning person
  • What do humanistic therapists regard themselves as

    -instead of acting in a directive way humanistic therapists regard themselves as "guides" to help people understand themselves and to find ways to enable their potential for self actualisation
    -the aim is that therapists provide unconditional positive regard for the feelings and attitude that their clients express
  • How can the therapists support the client
    -by doing this the therapist can support the client allowing them to dissolve their conditions of worth.
    -So they can be in a state of congruence and not incongruence
    -This results in the client moving towards being a more authentic and truer to self, i.e able to behave in a way that is true to the person they are rather than the person others want them to be.
    -this is also known as person centred counselling