The Falsification Principle

Cards (5)

  • Who created the falsification principle?
    Anthony Flew
  • What is the falsification principle?
    What would have to occur or to have occurred to constitute for you a disproof of the love of, or existence of, God
  • What is Flew's problem with religious language?
    Some religious people make excuses / change their story in order to make it align with their beliefs
  • What does death by a thousand qualifications mean?
    Even if someone proves it is not coherent or reasonable, they will still try to prove it
  • What is the Parable of the Gardener?
    Details two people attempting to prove the existence of a gardener. One says there must be a gardener so they test it. The believer insists the gardener exists, despite the test showing that there is not one. The believer changes their story saying that the gardener must be invisible but the non believer questions this. It mirrors religion - often times we cannot prove God's existence but believers will continue to change the story until there is a narrative that fits their beliefs, even if it can't be proved