experimental design

Cards (13)

  • What are the types of experimental design?

    • Independent groups
    • Repeated measures
    • Matched pairs
  • Outline independent grouping
    different participants are randomly allocated to take part in each experimental condition
  • What are the strengths of independent grouping?

    • order effects (responses affected by order of conditions) are not observed
    • data collection is less time-consuming
    • less chance of demand characteristics
  • What are the weaknesses of independent grouping?

    • different participants for each condition = difficult+expensive
    • group differences may be due to participant variables
  • Outline repeated measures
    participants are the same and allocated to all groups in a experiment
  • What are the strengths of repeated measures?

    • not affected by participant variables
    • hiring of participants = cheaper+easier
  • What are the weaknesses of repeated measures?

    • risk of demand characteristics
    • data is lost if participant drops out
    • order effects
  • Outline matched pairs
    participants take part in one experimental condition but are specifically similar in relevant characteristics (e.g, IQ, age, gender, etc)
  • What are the strengths of matched pairs?

    • order effects not observed
    • reduced risk of participant variables
    • less risk of demand characteristics
  • What are the weaknesses of matched pairs?

    • different participant for each condition = difficult+expensive
    • matching is a complex / subjective process
  • What is the definition of a single-blind procedure?
    only the researcher knows the treatment/intervention the participant is receiving
    e.g, taste-testing
  • How might a single-blind procedure reduce demand characteristics?
    participant cannot change behaviour or is unaware of the true aim of the research
  • What is the definition of a double-blind procedure?
    neither the researcher nor patient know treatment/intervention
    e.g, use of placebo in drug testing