sampling technique

Cards (15)

  • Outline the volunteer sampling technique
    consists of people who volunteered to be in the study
  • What are the strengths of the volunteer sampling technique?

    • ease of formation
    • less chance of 'screw you' demand characteristic as participants are eager to take part so will not want to sabotage the study
  • What are the weaknesses of the volunteer sampling technique
    • unrepresentative - those who volunteer may have similar characteristics
    • demand characteristics - participants often eager to please
  • Outline the opportunity sample technique
    participants who are both accessible and willing to take part are targeted
  • What are the strengths of the opportunity sampling technique?

    • easy and inexpensive
    • applicable in natural experiments
  • What are the weaknesses of the opportunity sampling technique?

    • unrepresentative - subject to bias as participants normally collected in same community = not generalisable to society
  • Outline the systematic sampling technique
    selecting from a target group (e.g, every fourth person on the list) that is not an equal chance
  • What are the strengths of the systematic sampling technique?

    • randomisation = unbias + representative sample = generalisable
  • What are the weaknesses of the systematic sampling technique?

    • not randomised = bias (e.g, androcentric) - less generalisable
  • Outline the random sampling technique
    each member has an equal chance of being selected for a sample
  • What are the strengths of the random sampling technique?

    • high chance of a representative sample as an unbiased selection = generalisable
  • What are the weaknesses of the random sampling technique?
    • minority groups may distort the results
    • impractical - difficult to get full details + consent of target population
  • Outline the stratified sampling technique
    divides the target group into sections with key characteristics then each section is sampled individually
  • What are the strengths of the stratified sampling technique?

    • avoids bias
    • representative
  • What are the weaknesses of the stratified sampling technique?

    • time + resource demanding
    • difficult to ensure each characteristic present is selected + knowledge of all characteristics may be unethical/personal