A genotype in a gene consisting of two different alleles
A genotype in a gene consisting of the same alleles
The geneticmakeup of an allele
The physicalexpression of the genotype
Homozygous Dominant
Both alleles for a gene are the samedominant allele
Homozygous Recessive
Both alleles for a gene are the same recessive allele
The first 22 pairs in a human karyotype, autosomal chromosomes that are not sex-linked, also known as the homologous chromosomes
The 23rd pair in a human karyotype, sex-linked chromosomes
An image of chromosomes from a cell arranged from largest to smallest
What Karyotypes Tell You
Any genetic abnormalities
Genotype + Environment -> Phenotype
An organism that is heterzygous for a recessive trait, not being affected but can pass down to offspring.
Test Cross
Used to determine the genotype of an individual with an unknown genotype by crossing to to an individual with a homozygousrecessive genotype.
Monohybrid Cross
A cross in which alleles of only one gene are involved
Dihybrid Cross
A cross in which alleles of twodifferent genes are involved.
Genes on non-homologous chromosomes are said to be unlinked.
The genes that are located on one chromosome form a linkage group
Linked Genes
Genes whose loci are located on the same chromosome, usually close together.
The genotype with respect to any gene carried on either the X or the Y chromosome, which comprises just a single allele for each gene. Only affects males