
    Cards (8)

    • What is addiction?
      A disorder in which an individual takes a substance or engages in a behaviour that is pleasurable but eventually becomes compulsive with harmful consequences
    • What are the key elements of addiction?
      Physical and/or psychological dependence, tolerance, withdrawal syndrome
    • What is physical dependence?

      A state of the body due to habitual substance abuse which results in a withdrawal syndrome when use of drug is reduced or stopped
    • What is psychological dependence?

      A compulsion to continue taking a substance (or continue performing a behaviour) because its use is rewarding
    • What is tolerance?

      A reduction in response to a substance, so that an addicted individual needs more to get the same effect
    • What are examples of 2 types of tolerance?
      Behavioural tolerance and cross tolerance
    • What is behavioural tolerance?

      When an individual learns through experience to adjust their behaviour to compensate for the effects of a substance. For example, people addicted to alcohol learn to walk more slowly when they are drunk to avoid falling over
    • What is cross tolerance?

      Tolerance to one substance due to use of another substance