
Cards (6)

  • What was the aim of Bandura's Bobo doll study?

    to investigate if social behaviours can be acquired by observation and imitation
  • What were the results of Bandura's Bobo doll study?

    • children who observed aggression imitated the aggressive behaviour
    • girls were more physically aggressive if the model was male and more verbally aggressive if the model was female
    • boys more likely to imitate same-sex models
    • boys more physically aggressive
  • What were the conclusions of Bandura's Bobo doll study?

    • children can learn social behaviours such as aggression through the process of observation of other people's behaviour
  • How many people took part in Bandura's Bobo doll study?

    • 72 - 36 boys and 36 girls
    • 3-6 years old
  • What precautions were taken in Bandura's Bobo doll study?

    • pre-tested for signs of aggression
    • groups with similar aggression levels
  • Outline Bandura's Bobo doll study
    • Groups - 24 each group = aggressive model/non-aggressive model/no model (control group)
    • Aggressive model = adults attacked in a distinctive manner (e.g, hammers)
    • Non-aggressive model = quiet play or ignoring the doll completely
    • Children are then placed into a room with the Bobo doll and their behaviour is observed