Psychodynamic approach

Cards (31)

  • What does the psychodynamic approach argue causes behavior?
    Unconscious drives in our mind
  • What are the three components of personality according to the psychodynamic approach?
  • What is the role of the ID in personality?
    The pleasure part that demands instant gratification
  • What does the SUPEREGO represent in personality?
    The morality part giving a sense of right and wrong
  • What is the function of the EGO in the psychodynamic approach?
    To balance the demands of the ID and SUPEREGO
  • What happens if there is too much stress on the EGO?
    It can use defense mechanisms to reduce anxiety
  • Name one defense mechanism used by the EGO.
  • What is denial in the context of defense mechanisms?
    Refusing to accept reality
  • What does displacement involve as a defense mechanism?
    Transferring anger/anxiety onto something else
  • What is repression in the context of defense mechanisms?
    Locking a distressing memory away
  • What are the psychosexual stages of development proposed by Freud?
    Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages
  • What occurs during the oral stage of psychosexual development?
    Focus on the mouth and sucking
  • What is the phallic stage characterized by?
    Focus on genitals and the Oedipus or Electra complex
  • What is the genital stage of development associated with?
    Puberty and consciousness of sexual desires
  • What is the focus during the anal stage of development?
    Holding onto and pushing out feces
  • What happens during the latency stage of psychosexual development?
    Earlier conflicts become repressed
  • How can adult behavior be affected according to the psychodynamic approach?
    Due to fixations in psychosexual stages
  • What might being stuck in the oral stage indicate about a person?
    They may be dependent on others and self-centered
  • How does the psychodynamic approach suggest we change behavior in the present?
    • Resolve childhood conflicts
    • Use psychotherapy techniques
    • Dream analysis
    • Talking about feelings
  • What is a strength of the psychodynamic approach regarding mental illnesses?
    It has led to useful treatments like psychotherapy
  • What is one technique used in psychotherapy according to the psychodynamic approach?
    Free association
  • Why might psychotherapy be considered better than biological treatments?
    It doesn't have harmful side effects
  • What is a limitation of the psychodynamic approach regarding its evidence base?
    It is based on a handful of case studies
  • Why can't we generalize findings from the case of Little Hans?
    It is not representative of other people's behavior
  • What is a limitation of the psychodynamic approach regarding its concepts?
    They are hypothetical constructs and not falsifiable
  • How does the psychodynamic approach compare to the biological approach in terms of evidence?
    It lacks scientific evidence compared to measurable biological factors
  • Why is the psychodynamic approach often favored less than other approaches?
    Due to its lack of scientific evidence
  • What is the Oedipus complex?

    When boys resent their father due to a fear of castration and favour mother due to sexual desire
  • What is the Electra Complex?

    When girls resent their mother due to penis envy (think mother has castrated them) and favour father due to sexual desire
  • Latency Stage
    The psychosexual stage from approximately 6 years to puberty, where the Oedipus complex is repressed and the child's energy is focused on learning, exploration, and social interaction outside the family.
  • Latency Stage Characteristics

    Repression of Oedipus complex, energy redirection, no overt sexual behavior, play, and schooling.