The Public Ministry

Cards (33)

  • What are the Preparations for the Public Ministry of Jesus?
    John the Baptist, Baptism of Jesus, Temptations in the Desert
  • John the Baptist - was the cousin of Jesus
  • John the Baptist - was sent to prepare the way of the savior, he was the voice in the wilderness calling people to repentance
  • Who was the father of John the Baptist?
  • Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
  • Baptism of Jesus - during this, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and a voice from heaven
  • In what form of animal did the Holy Spirit appear as?
  • Temptation of Jesus - 40 days in the desert, Jesus is tempted by Satan
  • What temptation is this: To turn stone into Bread?
    First Temptation
  • What temptation is this: To throw Himself from the parapet of the temple and command the angels to rescue Him?
    Second Temptation
  • What temptation is this: To worship satan?
    Third Temptation
  • Apostles - they were ordinary men of society place with extraordinary
  • What was the mission of Jesus?
    Proclaim the Kingdom of God
  • Kingdom of God as a Future Event - a situation to be understood, an event to be realized in the future
  • Kingdom of God as a Present Reality - dictated that the kingdom of God is right here and now
  • What are Greek words for love?
    Agapao, Agape
  • What does AGAPE describe to?
    Willing and committed love
  • What are ways to fulfill the kingdom of God?
    Words, Miracles
  • What were the moral guides during the old testament?
    Ten Commandments
  • What are the moral guides in the New Testament?
  • How many was the Ten Commandments were summarized into by Jesus?
    Two Great Commandments
  • What is the Latin term for Beatitudes?
  • What does the Latin word for Beatitudes mean?
    Blessed, Happy
  • What are the interpretations of the Beatitudes?
    As praise, As a Blessing, As a Proclamation
  • Our Father - it is one of the most beautiful prayers that a disciple of Jesus can utter
  • Our Father - this payer has greatly remained relevant for us today as we follow Jesus
  • Our Father - it is a prayer that richly speaks of our need for God, and names our humility
  • What is the Greek word for Parables?
  • What does the Greek word of Parable means?
  • What literary device that the parable usually builds from?
  • What are three types of Parables?
    Parable of the Kingdom, Parable of Love and Mercy, Parable of End-Times
  • Miracles - "Turning water into wine, multiplication of loaves, healing the sick, recovery of sight to those who are blind, etc."
  • What are forms of Miracles?
    Healing Miracles, Exorcisms, Restoration to Life, Nature Miracles