The Public Ministry
Created by
Raphael John
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Cards (33)
What are the Preparations for the Public Ministry of Jesus?
John the Baptist, Baptism of Jesus, Temptations in the Desert
John the Baptist
- was the cousin of Jesus
John the Baptist
- was sent to prepare the way of the savior, he was the voice in the wilderness calling people to repentance
Who was the father of John the Baptist?
Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
Baptism of Jesus
- during this, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and a voice from heaven
In what form of animal did the Holy Spirit appear as?
Temptation of Jesus
- 40 days in the desert, Jesus is tempted by Satan
What temptation is this: To turn stone into Bread?
First Temptation
What temptation is this: To throw Himself from the parapet of the temple and command the angels to rescue Him?
Second Temptation
What temptation is this: To worship satan?
Third Temptation
- they were ordinary men of society place with extraordinary
What was the mission of Jesus?
Proclaim the Kingdom of God
Kingdom of God as a Future Event
- a situation to be understood, an event to be realized in the future
Kingdom of God as a Present Reality
- dictated that the kingdom of God is right here and now
What are Greek words for love?
Agapao, Agape
What does AGAPE describe to?
Willing and committed love
What are ways to fulfill the kingdom of God?
Words, Miracles
What were the moral guides during the old testament?
Ten Commandments
What are the moral guides in the New Testament?
How many was the Ten Commandments were summarized into by Jesus?
Great Commandments
What is the Latin term for Beatitudes?
What does the Latin word for Beatitudes mean?
Blessed, Happy
What are the interpretations of the Beatitudes?
As praise, As a Blessing, As a Proclamation
Our Father
- it is one of the most beautiful prayers that a disciple of Jesus can utter
Our Father
- this payer has greatly remained relevant for us today as we follow Jesus
Our Father
- it is a prayer that richly speaks of our need for God, and names our humility
What is the Greek word for Parables?
What does the Greek word of Parable means?
What literary device that the parable usually builds from?
What are three types of Parables?
Parable of the Kingdom, Parable of Love and Mercy, Parable of End-Times
- "Turning water into wine, multiplication of loaves, healing the sick, recovery of sight to those who are blind, etc."
What are forms of Miracles?
Healing Miracles, Exorcisms, Restoration to Life, Nature Miracles