P4.1 analogy + symbol

Cards (11)

  • analogical language: language used to convey similar characteristics that exist between two ideas
  • analogical predication: assigning God attributes analogically
    saying God’s attributes (e.g. faithfulness) are not the same as a dog’s but similar
  • analogy of attribution: words that can be applied to God and humans, e.g. ‘just’
  • analogy of proportion: saying something measures up to the attribute applied
    ‘God is good’ shows that God measures up to what it is for God to be good.
  • anthropomorphism: assigning human characteristics to something non-human
  • cognitive: based on empirical factual knowledge
  • equivocal language: language that can have several different meanings
  • sign: an object, quality or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the possible presence of something else
  • symbol: a thing that represents or stands for something else, particularly a material object representing something abstract
  • univocal language: terms and language that only have one meaning
  • via negativa: asserts that no finite concepts or attributes can be adequately used of God, but only negative terms