
Cards (6)

  • Outline how improving appearance influences jury decision

    W - Improve appearance
    H -
    • Get the wit / def to dress smartly
    • Get wit / def to speak standard English
    • Take out piercings and cover tattoos
    • Encourage good posture - confidence
    Y - Dion found the Halo effect using 60 psych students and found notion of "What is beautiful is good", meaning if the wit / def presents themselves well, the jury is less likely to give defendant guilty verdict / more likely to believe witness
  • Outline Story Order Model - Pennington + Hastie
    W - Story Order Model
    H -
    • Counsel for prosecution & defence presents evi in chronological order
    • Lawyers create timeline organising this
    • Enables jurors to use narrative to enhance memory of events
    • Jurors make own story based on evi at trial - may have few stories as heard different versions from pros + def
    • Judge sums up evi & advise jury to come to verdict
    • Juror matches story to verdict + judge provides alternative verdict decisions & jurors match account they constructed to decision
  • What is the usefulness and effectiveness of the Story Order Model by Pennington + Hastie?
    • Provides lawyers with strategy to influence decision making of jurors to benefit client
    • Useful for jurors to create account and understand evidence
    • Shown story order more effective than witness order
  • Outline how expert witnesses influence jury 

    W - Expert witness
    H -
    • Used where scientific, technical or specialised area needs explaining in court and provide independent, impartial & unbiased evi to assist court decision
    • Have analytical reasoning & communicate findings + opinions clearly
    Y - Cutler:
    • Experiments investigating influence expert psychological testimony on juror decision
    • Experienced jurors + mock jurors
    • Videotaped trial & rated creditability of eyewit. & strength of cases to give verdict
    • Expert psychological testimony improved juror sensitivity to eyewit evi
  • Outline how CSI effect influences jury

    W - CSI effect
    H / Y -
    • TV show impacts way jury perceives evi
    • Show portrays forensic science as "high tech magic" + claim this produced unrealistic expectations of evi & to expect too much of prosecution so defence harder to convince
    • Strong when comes to DNA but research proven juror often doesn't understand what this evidence is so more likely to be regarded as infallible
  • Why is the order of a court case reliable?
    • Standardised procedure so does not change