animal studies

Cards (6)

  • ANIMAL STUDIES: Lorenz (1952)
    Lorenz studied 12 goslings and their mother
    • 6 hatched with mother
    • 6 hatched in incubator where the first moving object they saw was (intentionally) Lorenz.
    • The 6 goslings followed Lorenz as their mother
    • Critical Period for (irreversible) imprinting identified, e.g. 13-16 hours after hatching
    • Otherwise goslings don't form attachment to mother figure.
  • ANIMAL STUDIES: Lorenz (1952)
    + supports the concept of imprinting and its promotion of survival
    -hard to generalise findings from birds to humans
    -some of Lorenz's observations are 'questionable'
  • ANIMAL STUDIES: Harlow (1958)

    • 16 Rhesus monkeys studied
    • 2 wire mothers side by side, both dispense milk
    • plain wire and cloth-covered mother
    • monkeys cuddled to cloth mother regardless of milk
    • contact comfort is higher valued than food
    • cloth mother sought when frightened
  • ANIMAL STUDIES: Harlow (1958)

    Monkeys showed attachment behaviours, e.g. playing with toys when cloth mother was present, phobic responses when wire mother was present.
    +humans and monkeys are similar
    + important practical applications (such as the recognition of both physical and mental needs of children)
    -not generaliseable to humans
    -unethical research (detrimental to monkeys) - timid, difficulty mating, unpredictable, inadequate mothers.
  • Lorenz evaluation points
    • supports concepts
    • hard to generalise
    • questionable observations
  • Harlow evaluation points
    • unethical research
    • can't generalise findings
    • important practical applications
    • humans and monkeys are similar