2nd unit
Slavery and American Literature
Timeline: Slavery in America
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Subdecks (15)
The Civil War Ends (1865)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
4 cards
The Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
The Civil War Begins (1861)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
Abraham Lincoln Elected President (1860)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
8 cards
The Dred Scott Decision (1857)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
7 cards
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
8 cards
The Compromise of 1850
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
Narrative of William Brown, A Fugitive Slave, Written by Him
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
3 cards
My Bondage and My Freedom (1845)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
4 cards
“An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World”(1829)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
4 cards
The Fugitive Slave Act (1793)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
3 cards
The Three-Fifths Compromise (1788)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
The Declaration of Independence
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
The Virginia Slave Code (1662)
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
5 cards
The First Enslaved People Arrive from Africa
English 11th > 2nd unit > Slavery and American Literature > Timeline: Slavery in America
6 cards