Year 8: LF1 Revision

Cards (17)

  • What is conscientious objection?
    Refusing to obey an order or rule to do a particular type of work for moral or religious reasons
  • Where do Catholics believe the conscience came from?
    Catholics believe the conscience came from God
  • Why do people conscientiously object?
    People conscientiously object because of moral or religious reasons
  • What types of refusal does UK law recognize for conscientious objection?
    Refusal to take part in abortion, military service, and the use of technology to achieve pregnancy
  • Who were the saints that conscientiously objected?
    St Thomas More and St Martin of Tours
  • What are the Ten Commandments given to Moses at Mount Sinai?
    1. Do not worship any other Gods
    2. Do not make any idols
    3. Do not misuse the name of God
    4. Keep the Sabbath day holy
    5. Honour your father and mother
    6. Do not commit murder
    7. Do not commit adultery
    8. Do not steal
    9. Do not lie
    10. Do not covet
  • What is the Decalogue?
    The Ten Commandments
  • Why did God give Moses the Decalogue?
    As Moses helped to lead the Israelites to freedom
  • What happens during baptism in the Catholic Church?
    • Can occur during mass or as a separate service
    • Parents choose godparents
    • Commit to promises regarding the child's life
    • Child is baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity with water
    • Blessed with oils
    • Readings and prayers are said
    • Child is welcomed into the Catholic Church
  • What is the importance of baptism in the Catholic Church?
    It is the first sacrament, removes original sin, welcomes the child into God's family, and receives the grace of God
  • What events are described in Genesis 3?
    A serpent tempts Eve, she eats the forbidden fruit, Adam follows, they gain knowledge, feel ashamed, and are banished from the Garden of Eden
  • What are some consequences of the Fall as described in Genesis 3?
    • Concupiscence
    • Original sin
    • Child labor
    • Hard work for essentials
    • Sin and suffering
  • What is concupiscence?
    A strong desire to sin
  • What is free will?
    The ability to make choices for ourselves
  • What is a covenant?
    An agreement made between two or more groups or traditional promises made between God and humans
  • What is sin?
    Actions which separate us from God
  • What is baptism?
    The first sacrament and a sacrament of initiation where a child begins their spiritual journey and is welcomed into the Catholic Church