Large and complex data sets that are used to identify patterns, trends and associations usually with humans
What are some concerns regarding Big Data?
Breach and loss of personal information
Copyright Rights for Digitalproperty
Keep up to date with cybersecurity
What is a list in programming? What may the have in them? Explain why this is important.
List: A set of items that usually are related together
Contain: any datatype
How can we manipulate lists?
When storing data from a ransimulation, what is it usually formed as?
Does a function have to return a value? Or have an input?
What is a linear search?
A linear search is a method of finding a specific value in a list by checking each element one by one until a match is found or the end of the list is reached.
What is a binary search?
looks for element in a list by starting in middle and halving the scanning space if it’s higher or lower until element is found or is not in the list
What do you need in order to swap the values of two variables?
Same data type and three variables
What is an insertion sorting algorithm?
Divides list into two lists(sorted and unsorted). Inserts elements form unsorted into correct position in sorted
What is a bubble sorting algorithm?
Compares twoconsecutive elements. Smaller one goes into place and larger one goes to be compared to next element. Stops after no swaps
What is a selection sorting algorithm?
Selects smallest element of list and swaps it with first element. Continues until last element
Why is knowing different algorithms important?
What is data compression? Why is it used?
Data compression is the process of reducing the size of data to save storage space and transmission time. It is used to optimize storage capacity, and improve data transfer speeds.
What are the types of data compression?Their differences?
Lossy- keeping all data isn’t necessary
Lossless- must be returned to originalstate
What are the three different ways of performing a lossless data compression?
Dictionary-based, same as earlier and run-lengthencoding.
What are two types of lossy compression?
Everyother value
Rounding numbers
What does a Data Scientist typically do?
Gather information
Organize and make predictive models
Graphically represent info for efficiency
What is more important than being able to scrape the data?