Institutionalisation and Deprivation

Cards (17)

  • What is deprivation in the context of attachment theory?
    Deprivation occurs when the attachment bond is formed but is broken later on in life.
  • What is privation in attachment theory?
    Privation occurs when a child does not form any attachment at all.
  • What does Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation propose?
    It proposes that a child’s early separation from their primary caregiver can negatively affect their emotional and social development.
  • What issues can arise from maternal deprivation according to Bowlby?
    Attachment disorders, anxiety, and aggression can arise from maternal deprivation.
  • How long before his attachment theory did Bowlby propose the maternal deprivation hypothesis?
    20 years before his attachment theory.
  • What is the relationship between Bowlby’s maternal deprivation hypothesis and the ‘critical period’?
    The basis of his maternal deprivation hypothesis is similar to the idea of the ‘critical period’.
  • What was the aim of Bowlby's 1953 study?
    To examine the maternal deprivation hypothesis and its association with behavioral disorders.
  • What disorder did Bowlby coin to describe individuals with no sense of shame or guilt?
    Affectionless psychopathy.
  • How many children participated in Bowlby's study?
    88 children participated in the study.
  • How many of the children in Bowlby's study were identified as affectionless psychopaths?
    16 of the 44 thieves were identified as affectionless psychopaths.
  • What method did Bowlby use to gather data in his study?
    Bowlby interviewed the children and their families to create a record of early life experiences.
  • What were the three main findings of Bowlby's study?
    86% of affectionless psychopaths experienced prolonged attachment separation, 17% of other thieves had such separations, and 4% of the control group experienced frequent early separations.
  • What conclusion did Bowlby draw from his findings?
    There is a link between early separations and later social maladjustment.
  • What type of data did Bowlby's experiment collect?
    The experiment collected correlational data.
  • What is a limitation of Bowlby's study regarding the data collected?
    The results only show a relationship but do not establish causation.
  • What is a potential bias in Bowlby's study related to the method of data collection?
    Interviewer bias could have affected the respondents' behavior.
  • What is a concern regarding the accuracy of participants' recollections in Bowlby's study?
    Participants may not remember details accurately or may have changed them over time.