Content Analysis

Cards (11)

  • What is the primary focus of content analysis?
    Studying human behavior indirectly through produced materials
  • How does content analysis provide insight into society?
    By examining structured values, beliefs, and prejudices in produced materials
  • What are the steps to conduct a content analysis?
    1. Identify hypothesis to investigate
    2. Create a coding system (e.g., 1=male, 2=female)
    3. Gather resources
    4. Conduct content analysis and record data in a table
    5. Analyze data using thematic analysis
    6. Write up a report in scientific format
  • What type of data does content analysis produce?
    Both quantitative and qualitative data
  • Why is external validity considered strong in content analysis?
    Because the data is already in the real world, providing high mundane realism
  • What is a benefit of having a large data set in content analysis?
    It is easy to analyze
  • What ethical issues are avoided in content analysis?
    Issues like right of privacy, confidentiality, and informed consent
  • What is a limitation of content analysis regarding observer bias?
    Observer bias can be present but can be eliminated by achieving inter-observer reliability
  • How can the choice of content to analyze introduce bias?
    The researcher may have a bias in selecting the content
  • What is interpretative bias in content analysis?
    It occurs when the researcher pays extra attention to some aspects while ignoring others
  • What are the strengths and limitations of content analysis?
    • Strong external validity
    • Produces large data sets (quantitative and qualitative)
    • Easy replication
    • Avoids ethical issues

    • Observer bias
    • Potential researcher bias in content choice
    • Interpretative bias