Life Changes

Cards (26)

  • What is a weakness of the life changes approach?
    It ignores that life events have different significance for different people.
  • How can the death of a spouse affect individuals differently?
    The untimely death of a loved spouse can devastate the surviving partner, while the death of an elderly spouse after a long illness may be less stressful.
  • Why might a child leaving home be perceived differently by different parents?
    For some parents, it may be a minor stress, while for others, it could be a major stressor.
  • What is one limitation of research into life events and illness?
    It relies on retrospective data.
  • Why is the recall of life events significant in research?
    Because it may not be accurate and can affect results.
  • What is a limitation of the life changes approach regarding individual differences?
    It fails to take into account individual differences in the perception of stresses.
  • How does neuroticism affect the recall of life events?
    People with higher levels of neuroticism are more likely to recall more negative events.
  • Can the life changes theory be applied equally to everyone?
    No, it cannot be applied equally to everyone.
  • What impact does inaccurate recall have on research findings?
    It reduces the internal validity and reliability of the findings.
  • What have most researchers reported regarding retrospective reporting of life events?
    They have reported acceptable levels of reliability.
  • What did Hardt et al. (2006) study regarding childhood abuse?
    • Interviewed 100 patients with a history of childhood abuse
    • Time lag of 2.2 years between interviews
    • Assessed reliability of reports on family situation and abuse
    • Results showed moderate-to-good reliability of recall for most childhood experiences
  • What types of abuse were assessed in Hardt et al.'s study?
    Physical and sexual abuse.
  • What was the reliability of reports regarding family situations in Hardt et al.'s study?
    The reliability was assessed as moderate-to-good.
  • What is a strength of the life changes approach?
    It has practical applications.
  • How have researchers used the life changes approach in relation to suicide?
    They have used it to explain the causes of suicide.
  • What were the main causal factors identified in the study of suicide victims in Finland?
    Changes in life events such as family discord, death, divorce, or financial problems.
  • Why is the research on life events significant?
    It helps in understanding factors contributing to stress and supporting people during stressful times.
  • What insights have been gained from research on life events in relation to psychological problems?
    • Understanding factors contributing to stress
    • Insights into supporting individuals during stressful times
    • Application of findings to various psychological problems
  • What type of research has generated insights into psychological problems?
    Research on life events.
  • How can the findings from life changes research be utilized?
    They can be used to help individuals facing psychological problems.
  • What is one limitation of research into life events and illness?
    Daily hassles may be a better measure of stress
  • What did Anita DeLongis et al. (1988) study regarding stress?
    • Studied 75 married couples
    • Used a life events questionnaire
    • Used a Hassles and Uplifts Scale
    • Found no relationship between life events and health
    • Found a significant positive correlation between hassles and next-day health problems
  • What health problems were associated with daily hassles in the study by DeLongis et al.?
    Flu, sore throats, headaches, and backaches
  • Why are daily hassles considered more significant for most people according to Lazarus?
    Because major life changes are relatively rare in the lives of most people
  • What approach may be preferable for understanding the causes of illness?
    The 'daily hassles' approach
  • How many month period and how many suicide victims
    3 month and 219 victims