Vital signs L7

Cards (32)

  • two types of treatments ?
    Routine and non-routine treatments
  • procedure for taking an animal's temperature?
    Restrain the animal, use a thermometer, and record the reading
  • capillary refill time (CRT)?
    is the Time taken for color to return to the gums after pressure is applied
  • Why is it important to check mucous membrane color in animals?
    It helps assess the animal's health status
  • What is a SQP in animal health?
    Suitably Qualified Person
  • Why should a mercury thermometer be shaken down before use?
    To ensure an accurate reading by resetting the mercury level
  • How should a digital thermometer be used?
    Turn it on and insert it gently into the rectum
  • What is the normal temperature range for dogs?
    37.2 - 39.2 °C
  • What is the normal pulse rate for cats?
    110 - 180 beats per minute
  • Why should respiration be measured when the animal is resting?
    To obtain an accurate measurement of the animal's normal rate
  • What does a fast breathing rate indicate?
    Possible exercise, stress, or heart disease
  • What does a slow capillary refill time indicate?
    It may indicate shock
  • What are the normal vital signs for cats?
    • Temperature: 38.038.5 °C (100.4 – 101.6 °F)
    • Pulse: 110180 beats per minute
    • Respiration: 2030 breaths per minute
  • What is the normal temperature for a rabbit?
    38.5 °C
  • What is the normal temperature for a guinea pig?
    38 - 39 °C
  • What does a blue color in the gums indicate?
    Lack of oxygen, known as cyanosis
  • What is the purpose of the Animal Welfare Act 2006?
    To ensure the welfare of animals
  • What is the aim of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966?
    To regulate veterinary practice and ensure animal welfare
  • What is the purpose of the Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 2006?
    To ensure the welfare of animals during transport
  • What does the Welfare of Farmed Animals Regulations 2007 aim to achieve?
    To ensure the welfare of farmed animals
  • What are the key components of taking vital signs in animals?
    • Temperature: Use digital or mercury thermometers
    • Pulse: Check femoral pulse and note strength and regularity
    • Respiration: Observe while the animal is resting
    • Capillary Refill Time (CRT): Assess gum color after blanching
  • What is the purpose of the Welfare of Animals Regulations 1999?
    To regulate the slaughter or killing of animals
  • normal vital signs for dogs?

    • Temperature: 38.338.7 °C (100.9101.7 °F)
    • Pulse: 60 – 180 beats per minute
    • Respiration: 10 – 30 breaths per minute
  • reasons for high pulse rate ?

  • reasons for low pulse rate?
    heart problems
  • The femoral artery is found on the inside of the hind leg in the groin area
  • The digital artery- found at the back of the paw between the stopper pads and the paw pads
  • coccygeal artery - on the underside of the tail at the base
  • lingual artery - on the underside of the tongue ( sedated animals only)
  • respiration
    • should be taken when animals is resting and awake
    • observe animal or gently rest hands on the chest cavity
    • count either inspirations or expirations for one minute - also observe the depth
  • reasons for fast breathing
    • exercise
    • stress
    • heart disease
    • infection
  • reasons for slow breathing