
Cards (16)

  • conscience
    human reason making moral decisions.
  • evil
    the absence of good
  • Free will
    the decision-making part of a person's mind, able to choose right from wrong without being controlled by other
  • Goodness
    The quality of being like god
  • Incarnation
    the Christian belief that God became man in the person of
    Jesus, fully human and fully divine
  • natural law
    moral laws of right and wrong which are universal and not dependent on
    human laws;
  • Privation
    loss or absence of a quality or something that is normally present;
  • suffering
    pain or loss which harms human beings;
  • Creation ex nihilo
    The belief that god created the universe out of nothing
  • Omnipotent
    The belief that God is all powerful
  • Transcendent
    The belief that god exists above and beyond space and time
  • Evolution
    The gradual change and development of species overtime.
  • Imago dei
    The belief that humans were made in the image of God
  • Stewardship
    The belief that humans should protect and care for the planet
  • Inspiration
    The belief that the writers of the bible were guided by the Holy Spirit to write what is good and true
  • revelation
    The ways in which God makes himself known to humans. Through the person of jesus