look different and perform different functions, but show the same basicbodyplan.
Functions can include digging, flying, running and swimming.
Basic body plans consist of
One proximal long bone(humerus)
Two distal bones (radius and ulna)
Wrist bones (carpals)
Fivemetacarpals that make up the palm
Homologous Structures
Similar structures with the same bodyplan that perform different functions.
Homologous structures provide evidence of evolution because the similarities may be tracked down to a commonancestor.
The adaptations in the structure of the forelimbs develop independently in each group according to the organism’s habitat and mode of life. (aka evolution)
Divergent Evolution
Where organisms develop from a common ancestor, but follow differentevolutionarypaths.
Analogous Structures
Some body structures perform the same function in different organisms, but did not originate from a common ancestor.
Convergent Evolution
Where organisms are not related, but develop structures for similar environments completely independently of each other
Modification within a species
Many species changed over millions of years to form the species we know today
These modifications are modified descendants of earlier species.
Modifications occurred to adapt to different environments.