Risk management

Cards (9)

  • Risk management is forecasting and evaluating ethical risks and how to minimise or avoid their impact
  • Risk management procedure
    1. identify the risk
    2. Assess the risk
    3. Plan response to risk
    4. Implement response
  • Identify the risk is use the code of ethics and conduct, meet legal requirement, reflect on established principles values and standards
  • Assess the risk Is to carry out a cost benifit analysis, welfare of the participants then how serious would it be if it does occur
  • Plan response to risk is develop alternative courses of action, take responsibility and monitor the risk
  • Implement response is the control the ethical risk so its lessens (debriefing) apologies for negative outcomes
  • Costs are potential negative consequences
  • Benefits are potential positive consequences
  • Bateson 1986
    1. How likely is it that there will be a benefit
    2. The importance of the research (are the benefits of high value)
    3. The costs (what is the suffering involved)